Post-punk has become the go-to buzzword for music that bridges the once-large gap between the angsty punk world and increasingly, well, everything else. It encompasses the art-funk tendencies of early-adopters Talking Heads to more recently, IDLES’ sharp-tongued, aggy-rock. It could be easy to eye-roll at yet another post-punk band making a statement on the world around them, but with newcomers TV Priest, at least, the satirical quips are more inspired than most. And, it doesn’t take long for them to kick in.
From the first overdriven strum of bolshy opener ‘The Big Curve’ to the erratic ending plucks of ‘Saintless’, the main cohesion is the observational commentary running through each track like red tape. Some remarks are as clear as day: the chastising ‘Press Gang’, overt in its anti-Murdoch stance, sees frontman Charlie Drinkwater exasperate that “you’re better off ill-informed”, and post-Brexit nightmare, ‘This Island’, toys with the confusion. This comes with a healthy dollop of sarcasm. From harping back to the good ol’ days of Joy Division with their hypnotic frenzies despite getting riled at nostalgia, to finding “joy, peace and understanding” in the Daily Mail comments section. The targets may be obvious, but the blows still connect. – Read more via NME
ALSO…watch the band’s Live At Home Session with Indie 102.3 BELOW!