Sneaks, the solo moniker of Washington, DC’s Eva Moolchan, has announced a new album,Happy Birthday. It’s due out on August 21 via Merge. In April, the Washington, D.C. spoken word/punk musician also shared a new song, “Mars in Virgo.” Listen to the song below, followed by the album’s tracklist and cover art.
Continuing the collaborative relationships from last year’s Highway Hypnosis (called “a patchwork of hip-hop, post-punk, rave, and more” by Pigeons & Planes) with mixing engineer Carlos Hernandez and legendary producer Jacknife Lee, Moolchan felt free to turn up the energy and explore more elaborate melodies than ever before. In “Mars in Virgo,” she chants, “I’ve changed a lot now I’m all grown and / I got to grow up some more / I have changed now I’m all grown up / Now I have to grow up some more.”
With astrological assertions alongside poetry filtered through a riot grrl spirit and set to thumping bass lines and infectious beats, Moolchan asks all of the questions but invites the listener to divine their own answers. Put on your headphones and let Sneaks lead you on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery that will keep you humming for days.