On the heels of their just-released and widely celebrated album Free Love (Loma Vista Recordings) Sylvan Esso has announced FROM THE SATELLITE, a fall virtual concert series that will take place on October 20, November 17 and December 1. Each full concert will feature a different theme – FROM US, TO YOU, and WITH LOVE respectively. Each night will be totally unique from the others, with a few surprises thrown in along the way. Tickets are available now including a three-show concert pass. https://noonchorus.com/sylvan-esso/
FROM THE SATELLITE is the latest illustration of how Sylvan Esso has met this moment; finding new and highly creative ways to bring the excitement of a new album to their fans. Beloved as a live band, just last fall Sylvan Esso sold out multiple nights at the Beacon Theater in NYC and Disney Hall in LA, and was slated to host Bonnaroo’s Super Jam this summer. Sylvan Esso will bring the same level of energy, care and collaboration online this Fall.
Sylvan Esso – From The Satellite Virtual Concert Series
Each concert begins at 9PM Eastern Time
October 20 – FROM US
November 17 – TO YOU
December 1 – WITH LOVE
Tickets: https://noonchorus.com/sylvan-esso/